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Do you have access to accurate and timely fund data?

Gain instant access to FE fundinfo’s ISO-accredited database of fund information. Our fund data is entrusted by the world’s leading fund distributors as their primary source of key fund information, ensuring business continuity and security, supported by robust systems, stringent automated validation processes and dedicated QMS teams to ensure ongoing data integrity.

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Accurate fund data - the way you need it

Your ability to access high-quality and timely fund data as well as up-to-date regulatory and marketing fund documents is integral to achieving operational efficiencies and capitalising on distribution opportunities.

At FE fundinfo, we collect fund information direct from source (i.e. the asset manager) and actively manage the ingestion of fund data and documents for more than 77,500 active funds and host over 83 million fund documents.

All fund information entering our golden source fund database is validated through our automated controls, with accuracy and timeliness further ensured by our dedicated Data Relationship and Operations specialists.

Our Data and Document Feed services enable Fund Distributors, platforms and data vendors to easily integrate this data into their own systems, websites and fund centres, and other fund selection tools for investors.

Our Data Feed Portal gives you ultimate flexibility and control of the data you access from our universe of funds, whether that be whole of market or bespoke feeds, also allowing full customisation of the fund data fields and delivery options (format and frequency). 

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  • Direct from source

    We collect fund information direct from Asset Managers and are entrusted by the world’s leading Fund Distributors as their primary source of fund data. 

  • Global coverage

    Our global database of fund documents and data covers hundreds of thousands of share classes and provides full coverage of the main fund distribution markets of Europe, Hong Kong and Singapore.

  • Regulatory compliance

    Our experts are here to help and guide you keeping abreast of regulatory and industry changes impacting your fund distribution.

  • Cost & risk mitigation

    We give you back time and resources to focus on your core business, while we focus on ours. Sourcing fund documents and data from us means your staff spend significantly less time and resource obtaining, checking and distributing information.


How we support you

Data Feeds

Our Data Feeds enable you to access FE fundinfo’s ISO-accredited database of fund data.  

  • Direct from source
  • Quality assured
  • Regulatory Data
  • Various delivery options
  • Simple interface

Document Feeds

FE fundinfo Document Feeds enable fund distributors to access and integrate fund documents across their existing publications, applications and online platforms.

  • Complete set of fund documents
  • ​High-quality output
  • Multiple and flexible access options
  • Business requirements met


How we're providing accurate fund data

We looked at different ways of providing this information, and the FE fundinfo Document Feed was by far the easiest to implement, at a very competitive price.

Matthias Müller

Managing Director at BX Swiss

Read the full case study
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  • Alex Donati FE Fundinfo
  • Oliver Steen FE Fundinfo
  • Ludo Milne FE Fundinfo

Get in touch with our data specialists

Arrange a call back from our specialists to find out how FE fundinfo can transform your fund distribution operations.
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