MPS Directory
Distribute your managed portfolios to the market and allow financial advisers to access and monitor the underlying data of your portfolios.
Communicate the value of your discretionary managed portfolios
FE fundinfo’s MPS Directory service allows advisers to access your managed portfolio data, at a holdings level, to conduct objective due diligence, bespoke comparisons and produce comprehensive client reporting.
Delivered through the award winning FE Analytics platform, our MPS Directory communicates the value of over 80 discretionary managed portfolio services to advisers. For over eight years, we’ve provided transparency to the market, helping providers distribute data, literature and other essential information relating to their managed portfolios and allowing advisers to access and monitor the underlying data of these portfolios.
By partnering with us you can position your business alongside the other market-leading providers that have embraced the trend towards transparency and information sharing.
Data accuracy
You can be confident your clients are seeing correct and up-to-date data with no discrepancies. All data, fund documents and reporting is verified before being distributed, reducing your administrative burden and ensuring your clients are able to conduct objective due diligence, build comprehensive client reports and conduct bespoke comparisons.
Gain exposure and grow your AUM
Gain exposure to over 84% of the top adviser firms in the UK. Our service enables you to directly access over 3,900 adviser firms that use FE Analytics for fund research and selection. Increase your assets under management by helping your clients demonstrate the value of your portfolios to investors and building trust through openness and transparency.
Effective data distribution
Our service makes it easy for you to distribute MPS data, fund documents and other essential information relating to your managed portfolios. This improves the accuracy and recency of your portfolio information in the marketplace and helps you scale your offering. We can also distribute your data to third party providers, back-office systems and platforms.
Selective distribution
You have the power to distribute your MPS data to your chosen adviser partners, supported by valuable MI. You will be alerted to advisers and adviser firms requesting access to your managed portfolios and their underlying data. This means you have the power to control access and keep track of new business generated via FE Analytics.
Targeted marketing and distribution
Take our MPS offering one step further and limit the distribution of a managed portfolio to a single adviser firm to meet their specific requirements. You select the firm, enable access via FE Analytics and distribute the relevant fund information.
Proven Solution
MPS Directory in numbers
Celebrating 8 years in FE Analytics
80 +
MPS providers
in 8 years
2 ,038+
managed portfolios
accessible via our Directory
2 ,500+
clicks on MPS landing pages
per month within FE Analytics
MPS Directory
Join over 80 market-leading providers that have embraced the trend towards transparency and information sharing.
Retain control of your data
You remain in full control of your data. MPS providers retain control over which firms can view their portfolios, access underlying data and build them into the charting and reporting tools on FE Analytics.
Market leading DFMs
We have over 80 providers using the service. By partnering with us you can position your business alongside the other market leading providers that have embraced the trend towards transparency and information sharing.
Additional Services
Our service is scalable and can be expanded to include other products that can further enhance your proposition. We can help you with your fact sheet production or provide digital solutions, enabling you to engage and connect with your clients more efficiently.
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