New functionality in FE CashCalc Fact Find
Our newest enhancements to FE CashCalc allow advisers to input additional questions within the Fact Find templates. These enhancements were built directly based on adviser feedback, ensuring that we are always improving the tool to best support you and your clients.
This new functionality can be found within the Fact Find Templates: just navigate to settings, and then Fact Find Templates under the ‘Onboarding & Client Portal’ section. From there, you can create a new template, or edit existing ones depending on your clients’ individual needs.
Customisable additional questions in the Personal Details section
It is now possible to add additional questions to the end of the Personal Details section of a Fact Find, allowing you to further nuance the information that you collect from your clients. Do this by simply selecting ‘Add a section’ and then filling in your desired text. There are four question types to choose from, as seen in the image to the left.
Being able to get to know your clients better through more detailed questions is always beneficial, and it will also directly support you in meeting the new Consumer Duty Consumer Support outcome – which requires that you make sure that consumers are receiving any necessary support or adjustments. By adding in additional questions, you can easily support clients in disclosing any vulnerabilities they may have, therefore improving the level of support that you are able to offer them.
Please note that the answers to custom questions can't be pushed to your back-office, the Cashflow Modeller, or other calculators.
Additional questions in the Savings and Investments section
For advisers working with expats, the new questions in the ‘Savings and Investments’ section will be valuable in meeting EU Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. These new inputs include the source, purpose and jurisdiction of fund options, and can be easily toggled on or off depending on the client. An example of how the questions look when toggled on is shown to the left.
As always, we hope this enhancement will allow you to provide an even better service to your clients, and any feedback that you may have on how we can further improve the tool is always welcome.