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Factsheets Language And Localisation 1820X375 3

Language and localisation in fund factsheet production

The ability to communicate effectively across different languages and cultures is s a growing necessity for asset managers but producing factsheets in multiple languages and localising content to meet regional requirements presents a significant challenge.

This complexity can lead to delays and inconsistencies, impacting the effectiveness of communication with international investors. How can asset mangers efficiently tackle the language and localisation needs inherent in today’s globe-spanning market?

The language barrier

Producing documents in multiple languages involves not just translation but the nuanced task of localisation, which includes adapting content to fit cultural contexts, regulatory environments and specific investor expectations in various regions. Each version of a factsheet must not only be linguistically accurate but also culturally and legally appropriate for its intended audience.

The manual process of coordinating translations and ensuring accuracy across different versions can be laborious and prone to errors. Misinterpretations or miscommunications in translation can lead to investor confusion and could potentially harm a fund’s reputation if the information provided is seen as unreliable or misleading.

The localisation complexity

Localisation extends beyond language translation to include the adaptation of data presentation to local standards, such as currency formats, date notations and regulatory disclosures. With our flexible template, you can also generate bespoke layouts more appropriate to local best practice.  

Streamlining multilingual factsheet production

To manage the demands of multilingual factsheet production, fund management groups need a robust system that can handle complex translation and localisation tasks efficiently. Automating parts of the process can help ensure consistency and accuracy, reduce turnaround times and decrease the workload on internal teams.

How FE fundinfo’s factsheets solution simplifies language and localisation

Recognising the challenges of language and localisation in fund factsheet production, FE fundinfo offers a comprehensive factsheets production solution that simplifies these processes. Our service ensures that your fund factsheets are not only translated accurately but also fully localised to meet the specific needs of each market you serve.

With FE fundinfo's Factsheets production solution, you can extend your global reach without the burden of managing complex multilingual documentation processes internally.

We handle all aspects of translation and localisation, such as adapting your factsheets to reflect cultural nuances. This not only enhances the readability and relevance of your documents for international investors but also supports your global distribution efforts effectively.

Revolutionise your factsheet production

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