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Factsheets And Data Consistency 1820X375 2

Fund factsheets and data consistency

Producing accurate and timely fund factsheets is crucial for meeting market expectations and maintaining investor trust. Yet many asset managers face significant hurdles due to the need to integrate multiple internal and external systems during the factsheet production process. Each system may store data differently, leading to inconsistencies that can be problematic when consolidating information.

The integration challenge

For many asset managers, data needed for factsheets is scattered across various systems, including CRM databases, portfolio management tools and external data providers. Each of these systems might use different formats or standards for recording information, making it difficult to aggregate and reconcile data accurately. This fragmentation can lead to inconsistencies in factsheets, such as varying figures for the same metrics or outdated information appearing in investor communications.

Moreover, manually pulling data from these disparate sources is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. As firms grow and their data becomes more complex, the challenge of maintaining consistency and accuracy becomes even more daunting.

The cost of disconnected systems

The impact of poorly integrated systems is far-reaching. Inaccuracies in factsheets can lead to data inaccuracies, investor dissatisfaction and potential damage to the firm’s reputation. Additionally, the extra time and resources spent on manual data verification and correction can significantly increase operational costs and distract from core business activities.

Streamlining data through better integration

Enhancing system integration can dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of factsheet production. By implementing a centralised data management system, asset managers can ensure that all data used in their factsheets is consistent and up-to-date. Automated data aggregation tools can help minimise manual data handling, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up valuable resources.

How FE fundinfo's Factsheets service addresses integration challenges 

At FE fundinfo, we recognise the critical importance of seamless system integration in the production of accurate and compliant fund factsheets. Our Factsheets production solution is engineered to pull data from various sources efficiently, ensuring that the information remains consistent across all platforms.

Our solution acts as a central hub for your data needs, automating the aggregation and validation of data from different systems. This not only guarantees data consistency but also accelerates the factsheet production process. With FE fundinfo’s Factsheets solution, you can trust that the data presented to your investors is accurate, no matter the complexity or diversity of your data ecosystem.

Revolutionise your factsheet production

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