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5 signs your document dissemination process is holding your fund factsheets back

Are your fund factsheets not making the impact you hoped for? It might be time to take a closer look at your document dissemination process. Here are 5 telltale signs that your current approach may be hindering your factsheets' success:

1. Inconsistent fund representation across channels

If your fund information varies depending on where investors find it, it can lead to confusion and mistrust. Ensuring consistency across all channels is crucial for building credibility and brand recognition.


2. Delays in getting factsheets to market

In today's fast-paced environment, investors want to see the latest data, yesterday. If your factsheets take too long to reach them, you risk missing out on opportunities and falling behind competitors who move faster.


3. Difficulty tracking distribution and impact

Without clear visibility into how your factsheets are being disseminated and received, it's hard to know what's working and what's not. This lack of intel can prevent you from optimising your strategy and maximising your impact.


4. Time-consuming manual processes

If your team is spending hours on manual tasks like data entry, formatting and distribution, it's not only inefficient but also prone to errors. Automating these processes frees up valuable time while improving accuracy.


5. Compliance concerns due to inaccurate or outdated information

With ever-evolving regulations, ensuring your factsheets are always compliant is non-negotiable. If your dissemination process lacks proper checks and balances, you risk exposing your firm to legal and reputational risks.


Sound familiar?

If any of these signs sound familiar, it's time to re-evaluate your document dissemination strategy. At FE fundinfo, we've helped countless asset management firms overcome these challenges and unlock the full potential of their fund factsheets. Our industry-leading solutions streamline the entire process, from data management to distribution, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and compliance every step of the way.


Don't let a subpar dissemination process hold your factsheets back.

Let us show you how we can help you get your fund information to market faster, smarter and with greater impact.

  • Oli Steen Photoroom
  • Ludo Milne Photoroom
Learn more about how FE fundinfo's Fund Data and Document Dissemination service can help you achieve your goals
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