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FE fundinfo Data Processing Schedule

On this page you will find information on what data on you FE fundinfo processes, how and why, based on our status as a Data Controller and Data Processor.

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CashCalc as Data Controller and Processor Chant West as Data Controller and Processor Datafeed as Data Controller and Processor
DCPT & FVPT as Data Controller and Processor Digital Solutions as Data Controller and Processor Document Dissemination as Data Controller and Processor
Document feed as Data Controller and Processor Dynamic Data Dissemination as Data Controller and Processor EMT as Data Controller and Processor
EPT as Data Controller and Processor ESG as Data Controller and Processor etfinfo as Data Controller and Processor
FE Analytics as Data Controller and Processor FE Invest as Data Controller and Processor Factsheets as Data Controller and Processor
FIH (Fund Information Hub) as Data Controller and Processor FinXL as Data Controller and Processor FundCollect as Data Controller and Processor
FundConnect as Data Controller and Processor fundinfo as Data Controller and Processor Funds360 as Data Controller and Processor
Fundsquare as Data Controller and Processor MPS Data Directory as Data Controller and Processor PRIIP KIDs as Data Controller and Processor
publifund as Data Controller and Processor Registration as Data Controller and Processor Report Production as Data Controller and Processor
Static Data Dissemination as Data Controller and Processor TPTConnect as Data Controller and Processor Trustnet as Data Controller and Processor
UCIT KIIDs as Data Controller and Processor Zenith Research (Mosaic) as Data Controller and Processor  


Product Name Cashcalc
Product Description Cashcalc is an integrated suite of online financial planning tools specifically designed to help the entire financial planning process.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the and web sites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing Execution of the contract between FE fundinfo and its CashCalc customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create group/user profiles that allow access and usage of the application. Collect financial data (including financial transactions) as requried to build the cash flow. Collect and keep track of payment information. Collect data about service usage and application functionality.
Support Cashcalc customers using web tools, email and phone.
Types of Data Processed Name
Data of Birth
Marital status
Phone number
Email address
Payment information
IP address
Category of Data Sensitive and non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Cashcalc service.
Individuals which are self-registered users of Cashcalc service.




Chant West

Product Name Chant West
Product Description Chant West is a service that provides superannuation, pension and insurance research covering investment funds for the Australian market.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate visitors access to the website and customers access to the applications provided by and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing Legitimate interest.
To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its Chant West customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create user logins for customers.
Facilitate its registered users to use the service through Chant West websites.
Support Chant West customers using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
IP address, health information (i.e smoking status - AppleCheck only), Superannuation fund details
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals visiting the websites.
Individuals and employees of companies which are customers of Chant West.





Product Name Datafeed
Product Description Datafeed is a product that delivers fund data in the the way the client wants it (API), when the client wants it (on-demand or scheduled).
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the fund data delivery system hosted by website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute a contract between FE fundinfo and its Datafeed customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins for clients.
Facilitate corporate users to manage custom tables/workbooks.
Support FE PrecissionPlus Datafeeds corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Login identifier
Business address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of the Datafeed product.





Product Name DCPT & FVPT
Product Description Defined Contribution Pension Template (DCPT) and Fair Value Price Template (FVPT) is a service that collects, validates and distributes data to all pension providers whilst ensuring the client meet the compliance requirements.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of pension schemes cost and charges information, hosted by, and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its DCPT & FVPT customers
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins for clients.
Facilitate corporate users to use the service through the DataPartner portal.
Support DCPT & FVPT corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of DCPT & FVPT service.




Digital Solutions

Product Name Digital Solutions
Product Description Digital Solutions is an interactive suite of web tools (fund centre, charting and comparison tools, factsheets and fund filters, portfolio scan, performance analysis tools) that ca be embedded in the clients' website.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the fund data widgets hosted by website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute a contract between FE fundinfo and its Digital Solutions customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins for clients.
Facilitate corporate users to manage their custom tables/workbooks.
Support FE PrecissionPlus Digital corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Business address
Business phone number
IP address
Webpages templates
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Digital Solutions.




Document Dissemination

Product Name Document Dissemination
Product Description Document dissemination is a service that facilitates consumption of documents funds data (factsheets, annual reports, prospectus, product disclosure document) in PDF format.
Subject Matter of Processing Creation of login profiles that allows configuration of the service through Consumption of data using
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing legitimate interest
Purpose(s) of Processing Create user profile.
Permit usage of Document Dissemination service by interacting with and websites.
Support Document Dissemination customers using  the support website or over the phone.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Documents Dissemination service.
Individuals which are self-registered users of Documents Dissemination service.




Document Feed

Product Name Document Feed
Product Description Document Feed is a service that facilitates consumption of documents funds data (factsheets, annual reports, prospectus, product disclosure document) in the format chosen by the customer.
Subject Matter of Processing Creation of login profiles that allows configuration of the service through and Consumption of data using
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing legitimate interest
Purpose(s) of Processing Create user profile.
Permit usage of Document Feed service by interacting with, and websites.
Support Document Feed customers using  the support website or over the phone.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Documents Feed service.



Dynamic Data Dissemination

Product Name Dynamic Data Dissemination
Product Description Dynamic data dissemination is a service that facilitates consumption of dynamic funds data (NAV, bid, offer, mid, fund and share class AUM, currency, etc.) in the format chosen by the customer.
Subject Matter of Processing Creation of login profiles that allows configuration of the service through or Consumption of data using
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its Dynamic Data Dissemination customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create user profile.
Permit usage of Dynamic Data Dissemination service by interacting with, and websites.
Support Dynamic Data Dissemination users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Dynamic Data Dissemination service.





Product Name EMT
Product Description European MiFID II Template (EMT) is a service for Asset Managers that collects and validates EMT data, disseminate to relevant parties and track and monitor data distribution.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitates registered users access and usage of the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) data system hosted by,, and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its EMT customers
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins for clients.
Facilitate corporate users to use the service through DataPartner portal.
Support EMT corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of EMT.





Product Name EPT
Product Description European PRIIPs Template (EPT) is a service that collects, enriches, undertakes complex calculations and reports required by Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) that meets regulatory requirements.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitates registered users access and usage of the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) system hosted by,, and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its EPT customers
Purpose(s) of Processing Support EPT corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of  EPT.





Product Name ESG
Product Description ESG is a service that facilitate generation, consumption and comparison of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reports.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate visitors and registered users access and usage of web site.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing Legitimate interest (visitors). Execution of a contract between FE fundinfo and its ESG customers (paid service).
Purpose(s) of Processing Facilitate visitors usage of the website. Create user profiles to allow access and usage of the paid features of the service. Keep track of payments (paid features). Collect data about usage and application functionality.
Support ESG customers using web tools, email and phone.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
Payment  information
Phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals visiting the website.
Individuals which are customers of paid services in website.





Product Name Etfinfo
Product Description Etfinfo is a web service that provides performance, fees and charges of Exchange Traded Funds.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate visitors access and usage of the web site.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing legitimate interest
Purpose(s) of Processing Detect the origin coutry of the visitors in order to personalize the experience (display data according to the type of investor in local language). Collect audit data on web application usage.
Types of Data Processed Cookie
IP address
Type of Investor
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals visiting the website




FE Analytics

Product Name FE Analytics
Product Description FE Analytics is a one-stop tool for all your investment research and analysis, portfolio construction, due diligence and ongoing monitoring.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its FE Analytics customers
Purpose(s) of Processing Create unique group and user profiles that give access to the range of FE Analytics features/modules. Permit usage of FE Analytics service by interacting with FE Analytics website. Support FE Analytics users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name Business email address Password Business phone number Cookies IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies registered to use FE Analytics service.




FE Invest

Product Name FE Invest
Product Description FE Invest, a range of discretionary model portfolios, offer Adviser investment options to suit a complate range of investor risk profiles and a variety of investment objectives.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of Discretionary model portfolios hosted in and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its FE Invest customers
Purpose(s) of Processing Create users logins for clients within Salesforce Adviser portal website.
Create unique group and user profiles within FE Analytics that can be enabled for FE Invest usage.
Permit access to FE Analytics service with FE Invest feature enabled.
Setup clients accounts in Digital Solutions for delivery of portfolios and shortlists.
Sent notification emails to FE Invest clients regarding the service.
Support FE Invest users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Business address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of FE Invest.





Product Name Factsheets
Product Description Factsheets is a service which allows customers to create fund fact sheets (key fund information in a succint and easy to understand format).
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the creation and delivery of factsheets system hosted by and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute a contract between FE fundinfo and its Factsheets customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins in the web tools that manage the generation of factsheets.
Facilitate corporate users to manage their reports configurations in the FE fundinfo web tools.
Support Factsheets corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Factsheets service.




Fund Information Hub (FIH)

Product Name Fund Information Hub (FIH)
Product Description Fund Information Hub brings together FE fundinfo's core asset manager facing services across data management, regulatory template creation, document production and dissemination into a single UI, allowing users to manage complexity with automated workflows and MI dashboards.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the website
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its FIH customers
Purpose(s) of Processing To create user logins for customers and provide usage statistics
Types of Data Processed Name, Business email address, Password
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of FIH





Product Name FinXL
Product Description FinXL is a data extraction and reporting tool. This is an extended functonality of FE Analytics service.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate Excel application access to FE Analytics data through website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its FE Analytics customers with enabled FinXL feature.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create unique group and user profiles within FE Analytics that can be enabled for FinXL usage.
Permit access to FE Analytics data using FinXL templates.
Support FinXL users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies registered to use FinXL service.





Product Name FundCollect
Product Description FundCollect is a service that provides funds data collection and data distribution supporting the Danish market.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate visitors and registered users access and usage of the FundConnect infrastructure throught the website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing Legitimate interest.
To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its FundCollect customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins for clients.
Facilitate FundCollect corporate users to use the service through FundConnect portal.
Support FundCollect corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals visiting the FundCollect website.
Employees of companies which are customers of FundCollect.





Product Name FundConnect
Product Description FundConnect is a service that provides a data infrastructure service for data collection, data distribution and hosting supporting mainly Danish and Nordic markets.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate visitors and registered users access and usage of the FundConnect infrastructure throught, and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing Legitimate interest.
To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its FundConnect customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins for clients.
Facilitate corporate users to use the service through FundConnect portal.
Support FundConnect corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals visiting the FundConnect websites.
Employees of companies which are customers of FundConnect.





Product Name Fundinfo
Product Description Fundinfo is a service that provides performance, ratings, ESG, fees and charges of funds data provided by its Members.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate visitors and registered users access and usage of the web site.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing legitimate interest
Purpose(s) of Processing Detect the origin coutry of the visitors in order to personalize the experience (display data according to the type of investor in local language). Creation of a user profile for a personalized experience when browsing the website. Registered users create their own fund list (My Funds) for faster access to data and receive email notifications on new documents.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
IP address
Type of investor
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals visiting the website.
Individuals which are self-registered users of website.





Product Name Funds360
Product Description Funds360 is a service that delivers Franch and European funds performance and characteristics.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitates visitors and registered users access and usage of the and  websites; delivery of data using API within website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing Legitimate interest (visitors of websites)
Performance of a contract (API data delivery)
Purpose(s) of Processing Registration to funds360 website to receive the newsletter, backup/export comparisons, save a watchlist, access extended profile sheets.
Registration to the API service.
Types of Data Processed Email address
IP address
Type of investor
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals visiting the and websites.
Individuals which are self-registered users of website.
Employees of companies which are customers of Funds360 service.





Product Name Fundsquare
Product Description Fundsquare Regulatory Services provide reporting, fund registration and notification, publication and transmission of documents to authorities. Fundsquare Information Services offer a global solution for colelction, managmeent and dissemination of fund information through standardized tools and highly automated processes.
Subject Matter of Processing Faciliates registration and user access of Fundsquare services using and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its Fundsquare customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create unique group and user profiles that give access to the range of Fundsquare modules.
Permit usage of Fundsquare service by interacting with and websites.
Support Fundsquare users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name, Business email address, Password
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Fundsquare




MPS Data Directory

Product Name MPS Data Directory
Product Description A service that helps MPS providers and DFMs to distribute model portfolio data and reports to financial advicers across UK. This service is an extension of FE Analytics service.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the discretionary fund manager and model portfolio provider information hosted in website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its FE Analytics customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Access DFM and model portfolio data that can be used within FE Analytics; collect operational audit information.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of customers registered to use FE Analytics service.





Product Name PRIIP KIDs
Product Description An efficient and automated documents production system (Creation of Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) Kye Information Documents (KIDs) electronic documents).
Subject Matter of Processing Allow customers access and usage of PRIIPs production system hosted by website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute a contract between FE fundinfo and its PRIIP KIDs customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins for clients.
Facilitate corporate users to view processing status, manage custom tables/workbooks and generate the documents.
Support FE PrecissionPlus Documents corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business Email address
Business address
Business phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies registered to use FE fundinfo's PRIIP KIDs.





Product Name Publifund
Product Description Publifund is a state-of-the-art proprietary fund data management platform that sits at the core of fund data and information governance for global fund management groups. Its capabilities are multifaceted and enables the databasing, management and repackaging of fund data. The platform model is built to drive greater efficiencies and derive greater value as your fund range evolves and data complexity needs grow, further allowing users to configure fund life cycle triggers and automated workflows. 
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the web site.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its Publifund customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Creation of group/users profiles and access of enabled features/modules.
Generation of monthly usage reports.
Support of Publifund customers using web tools, email and phone.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
Phone number
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of copmanies which are cutomers of Publifund service.





Product Name Registration
Product Description Registration is a service that handles international registration of funds.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitates international registration of funds.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its Registration customers
Purpose(s) of Processing Sourcing and appointing third parties such as legal, translation, representative agents; Document management/control; Provision of updates and progress reports; completion of board reports and registration updates.
Types of Data Processed Name
Date of Birth
Passport number
National ID number
Political affiliations
Business email address
Business address
Business phone number
Category of Data Sensitive and non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Directors of funds which are customers of the Registration service.




Report Production

Product Name Report Production
Product Description Report Production is a service which allows customers to create marketing and regulatory documents in the desired format and language.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitates registered users access and usage of the creation and delivery of reports (bulletins, factsheets, TMDs, PRIIPS, UCITS, etc.) using and websites.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute a contract between FE fundinfo and its Report Production customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create corporate users logins in the web tools that manage the generation of reports.
Facilitate corporate users to manage their reports configurations in the FE fundinfo web tools.
Support Report Production corporate users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Business email address
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Report Production service.




Static Data Dissemination

Product Name Static Data Dissemination
Product Description Static data dissemination is a service that facilitates consumption of static funds data (fund identifier, sector, currency, fund and share class, country, etc.) in the format chosen by the customer.
Subject Matter of Processing Creation of login profiles that allows configuration of the service through or Consumption of data using
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its Static Data Dissemination customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create user profile.
Permit usage of Static Data Dissemination service by interacting with, and websites.
Support Static Data Dissemination users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies which are customers of Static Data Dissemination service.





Product Name TPTConnect
Product Description TPTConnect is a a webservice that implements the Tripartite Data Exchange Template (TPT), an industry initiative with the goal to simplify and create a standard for reporting the portfolio composition to the benfit of all Solvency II stakeholders and other parties that are in need of look-through data. 
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitates visitors access to the TPT template and suggested workflow usage (for insurers, pensions, asset managers, providers) using website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing Legitimate interest
Purpose(s) of Processing Monitor site functionality and prevent service abuse.
Types of Data Processed Cookie
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Visitors of website.





Product Name Trustnet
Product Description Comprehensive source of online investment data, news and research. The service is free to use and focuses on fund and product information.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate visitors and registered users access and usage of the web site.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing Legitimate interest
Purpose(s) of Processing Creation of personalised accounts which allows users to create virtual investment portfolios, register for news alerts.
Types of Data Processed Name (First name and Surname)
Email address
User type
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals who registered to use the Trustnet service.





Product Name UCIT KIIDs
Product Description A web based platform for clients to login and produce UCITS Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs).
Subject Matter of Processing Allow customers access and usage of KIID production system hosted by website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and UCIT KIIDs customers
Purpose(s) of Processing To grant client access to the  FE fundinfo Kii Hub platform and collect operational audit information.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
IP Address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of UCIT KIIDs customers.




Zenith Research (Mosaic)

Product Name Zenith Research (Mosaic)
Product Description Zenith Research (Mosaic) is a service that provides reasearch/ratings and portfolio insights serving Australian market, targetting managed funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Listed Investment Companies (LICs).
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate visitors access to the website and customers access to the applications provided by website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law
Lawful basis of Processing Legitimate interest.
To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its Zenith customers.
Purpose(s) of Processing Create user logins for customers.
Facilitate its registered users to use the service through Zenith Partners websites.
Support Zenith Partners customers using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name
Email address
IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Individuals visiting the websites.
Employees of companies which are customers of Zenith services.




FE Analytics

Product Name FE Analytics
Product Description FE Analytics is a one-stop tool for all your investment research and analysis, portfolio construction, due diligence and ongoing monitoring.
Subject Matter of Processing Facilitate registered users access and usage of the website.
Duration of Processing The Disclosed Data will be processed: (i) for the duration of the service; and (ii) after these Services expire or are terminated, solely to the extent required by law.
Lawful basis of Processing To execute the contract between FE fundinfo and its FE Analytics customers
Purpose(s) of Processing Create unique group and user profiles that give access to the range of FE Analytics features/modules. Permit usage of FE Analytics service by interacting with FE Analytics website. Support FE Analytics users using online tools, over the phone or offline tools.
Types of Data Processed Name Business email address Password Business phone number Cookies IP address
Category of Data Non-sensitive personal data.
Data Subjects Employees of companies registered to use FE Analytics service.