Enhancing advisory market influence with independent and recognised fund ratings
How Royal London Asset Management leveraged Crown Ratings to boost its fund distribution and enhance marketing and sales outcomes
Royal London Asset Management is a leading global active manager offering a diverse portfolio of asset classes including liquidity solutions, fixed income, and global equities. The firm aimed to maximise the exposure of its competitive edge in the advisory market. This required an impartial rating from an independent recognised fund ratings specialist, with Crown Ratings being the natural choice and one of the top three influential rating brands in the adviser world.
Royal London Asset Management sought to highlight its high-performing funds by utilising Crown Ratings – an independent evaluation system, which assesses the quality and performance of its funds.
- Visibility
- Recognition
- Performance cohesion
- Competitive edge
- Marketing support
- Enhanced sales
- Risk mitigation
Royal London Asset Management successfully leveraged Crown Ratings which are crucial for advisers comparing and selecting funds that align with their clients’ investment goals and risk tolerance. By prominently displaying Crown Ratings across various marketing materials, it achieved the following:
Increased adviser trust and recognition through promoting consistently high ratings and in turn providing recognisable independent stamp of approval valuable to adviser community.
Improved marketing effectiveness by integrating ratings into websites, factsheets, and email signatures. .
Adviser engagement enhanced by broadly showcasing positive ratings across marketing materials and channels. Crown Ratings visibility is further supported by FE Analytics and Trustnet where adviser usage is significant; the fund selection journey often involves advisers screening and filtering using Crown Rating metrics.
Elevated conversations with advisers by providing context behind ratings results. Even during fluctuations, Crown Rating results drive interaction and communication with clients, facilitating meaningful, productive and factual conversations.
Noticeable impact on sales outcomes with a tangible disadvantage if Crown Ratings are not showcased.
80% of advisers that consume 3rd party research for fund picking use FE fundinfo
"Crown Ratings provide the credibility and trust we need to stand out in the advisory market, ensuring our funds are consistently recognised and valued by advisers."